Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Day 13

Of Sammi's season and the boys are still not that interested in her. There is some halfhearted play attempts and Mikey is following her around, but as yet nothing significant. Mikey will usually go off his food for a few days, becomes irritatingly disobedient and sings a lot during that "peak" time, but as yet there is nothing. Though I have to admit for safety sake I'm keeping her well away from the competent stud dog that is her father! As yet we have had no reason to separate her from the others but we know how quickly it can change and are watching for signs or her flicking her tail and not snapping at their faces! Anyway this is something to bare in mind in the future, she may ovulate late in her season so maybe it would be wise to test before travelling. But of course seasons can also vary from one to another  ... so who knows!