Mikey and Asha -11wks |
Andhere I go again, full of excitement at the though of seeing my idol live on stage, but full of apprehension at leaving Steve alone with the kids. Every day with Kiri is a bonus, Louis needs extra care and attention, Jezi is just finishing her season, Ziva thinks she's having babies (chocolate ones apparently so she can eat them .. or so she says!) Nico is just learning the ropes, and Riley is a tad demanding. Will I be able to fully relax and forget about them? Will I hell!!! Is Steve likely to cope with any situation that arises? Of course he is, and I know it. But I wouldn't be me if I didn't worry about my family, I wouldn't be me if I wasn't sitting here thinking of all the "ifs and buts" before I go would I?
I guess the only time I will truly relax is when I'm actually at the concert, when I'm under his spell nothing else really does matter ... So I guess just for a while I can be free of my responsibilities and forget the heartache that awaits me, Just this once I can just scream and dream my evening away. (well actually that's not quite true .... I'm going back for more in October!!)