Monday, 3 October 2011


This morning I popped to vets with Louis for him to have his Vitamin b12 injection....I was already in the doldrums as he had lost more weight. But he was happy as Larry and sitting on my lap (as he does!) when an "Older" couple walked in. The woman commented that he must be a bit of a softie for such a ferocious looking dog. Well red rag to a bull and I gave it to her with both barrels!! Maybe, as she said she didn't mean to offend but she dug herself in deeper saying that all "Alsatians" have an aggressive look to them! I was not in the mood to let it drop and told her my GSD was probably far safer and predictable than her collie and that this dog was my baby, how would she feel if someone said that about her dog? Ok maybe I over reacted, maybe I didn't? People should think before thay open their big gobs, I know I speak for many, these dogs are our lives and Louis loves the world, and his dog. Needles to say I was irresponsible and I did then let him jump on her lap! Hope she shit herself!