Thursday 27 October 2011

Emi 5/1996 - 27/10/11

Emi With Blade in 1996
Born into this house of Madness, Emi was Jasmin's only surviving kitten. Knowing what I know now she would never have been my God I'm glad I was just a little less knowledgeable back then. Having given her everything I could, Emi still grew up to be quite an aloof individual, often away from home for as long as 48 hrs in the Summer. With us Emi could also be very affectionate and loving, though she was always wary of strangers. Her "voice" in this house was unmistakable. She had the same deep meow as her mother had had previously, I guess she inherited the Persian cats cry.
To be honest, Emi never really cared for the dogs so rarely came into the living room, choosing instead to sleep alone or with Lux in the utility room in her igloo. But as soon as the Sun shone and she had her brekkie she was off on her travels.
Emi - Quite The Old Lady
I guess sometimes you don't see them getting older and until this year Emi lived her own life her own way. As long as she had a meal and a bed she was happy. But this year something did change. The first thing I noticed was that she stopped going out in the Winter... but I though "when Summer comes she'll be off!" But she didn't. Old age creeping up and the once wondering Emi became a house cat.
Over the last month Emi barely ate a thing. Following blood tests she had a dental, but it made no difference. At the beginning of this week she had steroids, antibiotics and Vit b12 injections, followed yesterday by oral b12 .... it made no difference, Emi refused to eat and was wasting away in front of our eyes. The vet reckoned there was something sinister going on and at her age we decided not to put her through the stress of further tests .....It was time to say goodbye and I hope Emi felt comfort from my arms around her as she fell asleep forever.
Emi bach bach ..... You Have Been Loved