Jezi isn't great, we've had a couple of screams in the evening. I did think that Loki had stood on her two nights ago, but it happened again last night. She's also left a couple of meals and has been vomiting in the mornings. This morning I discovered she had vomited overnight, and she's left half her breakfast, including her pill. I must get that into her at some point today. Jezi never leaves food, well not until the last few days, she always had her mothers' appetite. It's quite concerning but I don't know whether the two things are connected, Jezi still has a limp but on her pills it's a lot less noticeable than it had been before. Jezi and Loki are getting on Ok, but they are not friends, just two dogs sharing a space together. It's sad really, but she only ever loved Nico. She sits out alone a lot more than she ever did, she really must miss him so much, as do I. This unexpected loss is hard to bear.
I have a show tomorrow in Malvern, it may be Ross' last show. The more I see Orin move the more I realise Ross just isn't right. Still, as regards to "type" he should appeal to this judge, let's just see if he can move with some power on the day. I really want to get Kaiah and Sammi back out into the ring too, but sadly it's just too expensive these days. Kaiah will soon be glorious in her full coat, though Sammi does have a couple of pounds too much on her, still easily sorted!