Monday 6 September 2021

Still At Home

Another day of staying on the property with the troops, thank god for these fields. The van is out of action due to the sisters trying, but thankfully failing, to get through the patrician to kill each other. I swore I'd never keep same sex siblings again, the hatred they have for each other is beyond a joke ... and of course Ziva has the backing of the other bitches in her "pack." It was exactly the same with Dexi and Simba ... and there is no love lost between Orin and Zeus either! 
I can't just walk onto the mountain through the gate as the cattle are everywhere. It's just not safe to go anywhere without first having a good inspection. Maybe they are safe as some of the locals say, but I for one am not happy to take a chance!
I'm now keeping out of the top field again. This morning I came across an underground Bee's nest there. The dogs rain straight to the hole and circled around it. In panic I scooted them away and into the yard. Steve and I then revisited it alone. I was there yesterday and the knee-length grass was not disturbed anywhere, but today there was a large circle of flattened grass, a slightly dug out hole and honey combs scattered about. I can't think it would be Jamie so I can only imagine it was the Fox again. Hope he enjoyed his honey but didn't get strung in the process!