Saturday 21 November 2020

Can't Sleep

Another sleepless night, I'm sure most of you know why. As Ann is a private person it was decided to keep everything off Facebook, but being as it was in the Daily Post newspaper and online I see no reason not to write here. I've known Ann over 32 years, my eccentric, funny and special friend. A very very special person, she was the one who bought me home and slept on the sofa to look after me when I got so drunk I couldn't function. (Just the once - honest) She was the one who pushed me to buy Dexi back and leant me the money to do so, the tales of friendship and kindness are endless. I always call Ann my foster mother.
On Tuesday morning Ann was walking Robbie down the single track road to her home, in daylight hours, when a tractor hit them both. Apparently the driver just didn't see her! I just can't comprehend the situation. Ann is small and slight, yes, but Robbie is a big Golden Retriever ... how could he not have seen them? Ann was taken to the local hospital and then airlifted to the trauma unit in Stoke. Robbie had a similar journey from the local vets to a specialist clinic. News on both are sketch. Being 79 Ann is of a generation were her mobile phone was always in the drawer at home and sadly for us all now getting updates is difficult. I don't want to pester poor Tony, he will be in pieces, we'll just have to wait till some information filters through.
I tried to distract myself but my thoughts went to Kaiah, so that didn't help. That's it, nothing else for it, get up, tea, jaffa cakes and some time on Facebook it is then!