Google and Facebook have reminded me of a memory from 5 years ago. Sammi taking a BOB under the Norwegian Judge Joel Waeles and the group 2 under the British Judge Susan Wardle. Nothing outstanding there, the main memory of the day was the judge asking if he could buy Sammi. I've looked back on my blog and found that I wrote ..." after judging the judge's friend came over and he asked "Joel is asking what is the breeding of your dogs?" I wrote it down for him and he gave me his facebook details so he could share the photos he had taken with me. He walked away to return minutes later "Joel is asking would you sell him the bitch?" OMFG " Not for all the tea in China" was my reply ... but what a bloody complement! I was so taken aback!
Sammi made it a very special day, under a different judge, and at just over 13 months old she managed a group 2 in an adult pastoral group. So Proud. As the group went into the ring breed judge Joel Waeles came to watch. As Sammi was pulled out into group two he cheered and clapped loudly, again I was gleaming with pride! He then came over congratulated me and asked if he could have another photo with her and her group win. Of course I was proud to oblige. As we walked out he said "She's beautiful, beautiful beautiful and coming to Norway!" I replied ... only If I can come too!!!
So today I share the memory photos and was delighted to receive a message from Joel ..
5 years on he too remembers the day ...