Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Xmas Cash

After my soaking in the Barbour coat, yesterday I decided to go to Idris Morris (Agricultural Merchant) and spend some of my Xmas money on buying a new yellow coat. (They are still only £27.) The other has served me well, is still warm and comfortable but after numerous washes it isn't quite waterproof and is looking worst for wear. I will be hanging on to it as a spare though. After looking at the wellies there yesterday I couldn't believe it when mine split today - I guess on a slate walking where I shouldn't be! For me at £50 + the prices of wellies in Idris Morris is out of my league, so I returned to shoe zone and got another basic black pair for £9.99. The last lot have lasted my years and the tread was still good, any welly I guess would rip on those slates. Will it stop me going? Will it hell. Some more of the Xmas cash went on Pj's and Steve got clothes and another fish tank .. long story!
I hope this yellow coat does as well as the other. I got the first after the vet suggested it would be beneficial for Tali with her nuclear sclerosis. As I said at the time yes it was great to know she could see me, but she had ignored me for years .. why would it change? It didn't!