One of my memories today on Facebook was this post that Ross wrote.
"I'm just be sitting about today feeling vevy vevy sad really. Mrs S came over and give me a big hug and said ... "what's the matter little Ross?" So I be saying to her, everyone still be laughing at my hears. I seen it on the facebookie thingy and i hear them in de shows. So she said to me .. "They are perfect ears little Ross, just perfect. and when you have a big boy head they will fit just fine." I'm feeling a little better, but now I be worrying about me teeff .. should they all be falling out?"
Crazy as it may seem I was quite upset about it at the time. I guess sometimes we can be over sensitive about our much loved dogs, well I can be anyway. It took me a long time to find Ross with some set backs and heartache on the way, and the constant jibes about his ears just got so stale and ended up grating on me. Still we are the both laughing about it now!
Talking about being over sensitive the joke that's gone stale now is the one about the noise. Ok I admit, hands up when I arrive at a show the excitement in the Blanik Bus is over powering. Everyone is as bad as each other and everyone wants to be heard. But they are soon quiet and I'm only glad that they really enjoy going to the shows that much that they get excited about it. Obviously people notice when we arrive, to hear the same remark over and over from people who think they are funny and think that they are the first to say it, well it just gets boring. After all it is a fecking dog show not a library!!! It must be like a Great Dane owner hearing .. "You need to put a saddle on that!" YAWN. Maybe I'll try being less sensitive in the future, but really there's not much chance of that, we are who we are and these guys are my world so I'll always react when these situations arise.