Don't buy a puppy without seeing the parents ... I Did!
Don't meet half way to pick up the puppy .. I Did!
I picked Ross from a photo of him and his brother on the internet and the word of his breeder. In all fairness I did go to one of the top breeder in the country, a person know for her excellent reputation, a top championship show judge. We had every intention of traveling down to Suffolk to pick him up, the route was planned at approx 300 miles and 5.30mins, but on the day Ross only had one testicle so I decided to leave it a week and see what would happen. By mid week he had both and the trip was rescheduled for the following Saturday, but on the Sunday his breeder was at a GSD seminar near Birmingham and offered to bring him there. We gave it thought and decided that a 6 hour journey was far more appealing than an 11 hour day in the car and took her up on her offer. So I first met Ross in a car park in Birmingham on the only day of his life that Ian Turner was late!
The journey home was loud at times, and life with Ross has continued to be loud. He sure has been a handful, full of determination and his own self importance, but we are getting there and my god I do adore him.
So don't buy a puppy off the internet, go and see the pup with the mother in the home, don't do what I did ... unless you do your research and know the breeder by their excellent reputation.