Due to the noise and my fear of the wind I had little sleep last night. I sat up for part of the night, I felt safer in the living room but I was back in bed and actually sleeping when the ridge tile landed on the flat roof and gave us a very rude awakening. Believe you me the first words out of my mouth this morning were not for the ears of the innocent.
Having realised that Tia was not about during the night I was really pleased to see her return home at 7am. To be honest though it was necessary I was nervous of letting the dogs go out, yes it really was that bad, and I guess more so as we didn't know then what was flying around and what had landed on the bedroom roof. But with daylight came the answers ..... I'm nervous of being too optimistic but I think Tia is improving. As she had gone out overnight I couldn't tell this morning how things were, but so far today there has been no mess. That Vit b12 is fab stuff, it kept Louis going for a couple of years, let's just hope for Tia this is a one off treatment. Anyway for ours and the other animals sake we are still keeping her out of the living room. Those of you who know her know that she is a lover of heat and spends her day by the fire .. we'll she's now found an alternative source of heat!
So funny .. the blanket was on the radiator to dry, but, well if it's there then use it eh!