Wednesday 16 September 2015

Catching Up

Super Critiques for Loki and Sammi at Merioneth from judge Martin Sanders
GSD – J (2) 1 Stanley’s Lokean of Blanik, eyecatching individual of good merit. Masculine well proportioned head. Correct eye colour which gives off a true expression. Ears well placed which he used to good advantage. His front & rear angles complement each other which is evident when he moved. He displays excellent reach & drive holding a breath taking outline on the go around. Could not resist him. BP, BOB;
(3,2) 1 Stanley’s Banik Ivana, quality exhibit with plenty to admire. Excellent in head, eye & expression. Medium in size. Good overall balance, correct in topline with a good croup. Front & rear angles good. Moved out soundly, pushed her stable mate all the way.