Friday 3 April 2015

The Same Name ..

Captain Chaos - Jay
Recently I was talking to someone who is on their third long coated GSD bitch called Candy. I find that so odd, I can't imagine calling different dogs by the same name. I know of so many people who do it, Dexi and Seffe's brother Jet, was about their 4th "Jet," and I imagine any further dogs they had would also be called Jet. Is it just me or do others find that odd?
When we took Jay on he was called Jacob, (The Welsh name so pronounced Jack -ob) but they often shortened it to Jake! I didn't want to call him Jacob, and I could never have used Jake again so shortened it to Jay. Which at the time was not as popular as it has seemed to have become.
I also thought of calling Loki Lewis as I love the name. But I felt it would be shortened to Lo, and that will always be Louis, so at this time that name is a no no for me. Jackson crossed my mind, but I couldn't think of the name without seeing the face of an ill fated dog that passed through rescue.
I also at one time wanted to call one on the sisters Kia, just because it was a play on Kai, but a friend beat me too it and used the name. Therefore I decided against it.
Funny isn't it, I use a name that I think is quite unusual as I know of no others, and in no time I hear of many others. So many Tali's Seffe's. Asha's, Ziva's about but no Jezi's, just lots of Jessie's! Strangely very few Mikey's and Loki's but they are about, and as yet I've not come across a single female dog called Sammi!
Nico is used, but again I called him after the Welsh name for Goldfinch, but I guess I've give up telling people it's pronounced Nicko and not Neeco .. if that makes sense!
Anyway, moving on, lots to think about and lots of time to think about it, but I'm now thinking of registered names that start with "J!"