Monday 9 March 2015

Crufts - With Regret

Sammi In The Field- More Fun Than Crufts!
I had three qualified but choose not to enter. I find the whole day stressful, though my dogs don't seem to find it so! As I look at the class result I can't help but wonder where my kids would have been place. I do feel that both Tali and Nico would have been in the top three in their respective classes, maybe third for both? And Sammi? Well I don't know, a harder class, 5 top quality bitches placed, she may have struggled or she may well have held her own ... or she may have been penalized for her height! Well we'll never know and with out doubt there is always a degree of regret that I didn't go. So next year  ... guess what? I doubt I'll go!!!!
The slating of the GSD Champion "Ellie" in the group buy the ill educated Jessica Homes was indeed uncalled for. To breed enthusiasts she showed her lack of knowledge, but maybe Joe Bloggs listening at home would take on board her negative comments! Ellie is an international winning female who was British Siegerin in 2012, Dutch Siegerin  in 2012, Belgium Jugend Siegerin 2010, (Youth Siegren) and was SG13 at the German Sieger Show 2010. (Siegerin is the top winning bitch in that country in that year) I wouldn't even like to try and list her wins in this country ... anyway Ellie had the last laugh going Group 3 on the day! But of course the final nail in the coffin was when Jessica "I know nothing" Homes said that the GSD was originally known as the Alsatian! WHAT???? Bet the German's are pleased! Doesn't she realise how difficult it is already to get people to understand that "Alsatians" are no more ... and the name only existed because of the anti German feeling in this country after World War 1 ... (and in this county only!) To most of us it is an insult to refer to our dogs as an Alsatian ... but now it's been on the telly then it must be OK!!!!
The poisoning and death of the Irish Setter has tarred the whole show. To think these people walk among us at the shows sickens me. It is simple, they can not be animal loves, how could they be? They are simply in it to stroke their ridiculous egos .. their poor dogs can only be a commodity to them. I pray they are caught, but can't see it somehow!
There's has also been controversy as to how the Scottie's handler lifted him/her off  the table. She lifted him/her by his neck and tail. This practice has been going on for as long as I've been showing dogs; I've always found it repulsive, though apparently it is now banned by the British KC but not the American KC ... where this handler was from! Maybe the judge should have told her? Maybe she should have been penalized for it? One things for sure she will not be stripped of her title as many are gunning for!
A Canadian exhibitor with the obedience team was caught beating up his dog outside .. he has been named and shamed, and if nothing further comes of it, well his face is all over Social media!
Beautiful Blue with Sue, Rosie and "Our Louis"with Carrie
So who did I hope would win? .... I loved the Maltese, Seriously I'm not a toy or terrier person really. But some breeds stand out, and again some dogs in breeds stand out. I have always liked The Maltese as a breed, and that one was really special. I was not a fan of the Scottie, I didn't even place it in the group For me in the terrier group it was the Miniature Bull and the Border. Loved both. The Saluki was stunning, so graceful. But of course my choice for BIS was Sue with her lovely Alaskan Malamute "Bart." I last saw Sue in St. Helens last month .. the Leigh show I think. We were great friends when she lived in this area and I honestly still miss her. Bart granddad was called "Louis" after our "Louis" who Sue had loved so much, the feeling of course mutual! I remember her ringing and asking my permission to use the name, I was of course delighted and honored that she would think to ask! When the breed achieved Championship status in this country her beautiful "Blue" was the first bred champion. Blue and I were close, I use to help Sue manage his and his father's studs at the time .. when Blue saw me I bet you can guess what went through his mind! Ah well BIS was not to be, but I'm so proud of her, what an achievement  .. and proud that I had at least a tiny tiny bit of involvement in producing Bart ... It was me who managed Blue when "Louis" his granddad was conceived! Ah well I need some sort of claim to fame .. lol