Saturday, 23 August 2014

Blanik Ivana

My beautiful Sammi is 8 months old today.
My God, how quickly time goes by eh! 
What can I say about my naughty angle that I haven't said before?
Nothing ... she's simply the star that shines brightly at Blanik! 
As the show season starts to wind down, typically her lovely new coat is now starting to come through!!!
On a par with Asha there is no doubt she will be a big girl, her weight yesterday was 29.5kg and by my measurement they both measure exactly the same as 61.5cm at the wither - but of course for her survey Asha measured a safe 59.5cm.  Here's hoping they are right, any taller and there won't be a chance of a Breed Survey class 1! 
But you know at the end of the day I don't despair, this is one amazing puppy and I'm so privileged to be sharing a life with her.