...Isla seems better.
"What?" I hear you mutter, "I didn't know she was ill!"
No, sorry, there was really a lot to say last week but I just couldn't be arsed to write! I'm still hurting inside and finding it hard to move on, but hell that's another story and not really one suitable for this blog!
At the beginning of the week Isla left a meal, the first since she's been here; that was the beginning of it, she then took to her bed and stayed there for days and days. She was lethargic, almost limp, but her colour was OK and her eyes seemed bright. But considering what we went through with Riley I was honestly really quite worried. Isla did get up for her meals and then went straight back to bed; she didn't go out, she didn't come into the kitchen to play or into living room and she didn't come near me. (Normally Isla can be a bit of a pain with me, she clings around my neck, she's honestly like Velcro and I just can't get her off.)
With no improvement I decided to take her to Cibyn to see Jill. After a thorough examination, Jill reported that she couldn't find anything wrong with her other than a slightly rise in temperature, but she obviously took on board our comments and said such a distinct change in behaviour is always cause for concern. She offered to either do bloods that day, or leave her till Monday and hope for improvement before re assessing whether to do blood tests, or not. Because she'd had such a thorough examination we both agreed to wait till Monday .. well actually that was yesterday!
Thank God, she's getting there. We have no idea what was going on with her but as I said she must have done nothing but sleep for 5 days. She's now up and about and pestering me, but she's still not playing like she was. We discussed it with the vet and decided to cancelled the blood tests for the time being and hope for continued improvement.
Anyway, I did text a handful of people and told them our concerns re Isla's health, I also posted on Facebook. Thanks again to the people who showed the continued support, if not for me then for the animals, in this case Isla. If you didn't know, oops ... sorry, my fault but I just wasn't in the frame of mind to write! Note to self .. must try harder!!!