Sunday 27 January 2013


Last night you both broke into my dreams and this morning I can't get either of you out of my mind. But I'm not distressed or weepy, maybe I'm a little sad but generally I feel good about our meeting. Somehow I feel warm and comforted by it, I feel we were close again, if only for a short time. Kai like it felt in the dream, I now  feel like I've just had my arms wrapped around your huge neck. Today I feel you around me again, if I try hard I can almost remember the texture and smell of your coat ... and I can certainly hear you individual howling in my mind. Storm like last night I now still see you running around happily and freely with other bitches, though I don't know who they are, this was something you could sadly never do in this life. I use to worry that I'd failed you, but please understand I tried my best to do the best by you ....
Thank you both for sharing a night with me, I pray it will not be too long before you again meet me in my dreams.