Sunday 7 October 2012

Different Walks

Jezi, Me, Nico, Louis and Finlay

Asha, Ziva, Tali and Mikey at the back
After some thought I decided to change my walking routine today. There were a couple of reasons that came to mind really. Jezi and Ziva are really winding each other up on the walks and generally getting on everybody else' nerves; and I thought it would be nice for Nico to have someone young to run with. It worked a treat, give or take a few teething problems. Because Ziva didn't have Jezi to torment she tormented Mikey instead and was lucky to avoid a bashing from Tali. Nico in the same light had a telling off from Jezi after all she's a lady and not interested in such things!!! I'll let you figure that one out for yourself!!!