Friday 22 June 2012

Mr Amazing

Today Louis went for his health check and Vit B12 injection. Following black diarrhea on Wednesday I felt it was important he saw Gill Hubbard. As most of you know I have more faith in her than any of the other vets.
His weight was still a disappointing 28kg, but at least he's maintaining it I guess.
There's nothing really to report, everything is much the same other than he has been given some Zitac as the black dirrahea was caused by a bleed in the intestine, these pills should hopefully help the digestive track cope with the food. He's back onto the Oxycare to give his system a break from the metronidazole and we are continuing with the preds. (Steroids) He's lively, bubbly and funny but painfully thin...but yeah as long as he's feeling Ok I can live with that!
One thing I did do was tell Gill about Mikhael's comment re-knowing when it was time to let go. Gill assured me that she feel Louis is no were near that yet and she like us is happy to plod on.
Anyway LOVE this piccie of Mr Amazing taken yesterday at Cwn Dulyn, his thick coat hiding a multitude of sins, but his eyes are bright and so full of love for his life. Hope you like the piccie too.