Enya vomited a couple of times late yesterday and again in the night. There was also diarrhea in the puppy enclosure this morning. Though she seemed Ok she didn't eat, not even a piece of toast. Mid morning Steve text me and said she was really flat and shivering. He'd wrapped her in a snuggie and she was asleep on the sofa, she was still there when I got home from work at 1pm..
We saw the vet early this afternoon. Enya was examined and the vet thought she could feel an abnormality in her intestine. She though it necessary to x.ray, but they were inconclusive. Enya had an anti sickness injection and we have to take her back in the morning as she is not yet sure what's going on, but worse case she think it could be intussusception....
(The term intussusception is used to describe a condition in which one segment of the intestine telescopes or invaginates into the lumen of and adjacent segment of intestine) This would need surgery to correct.
I'm so worried about Enya, I honestly feel sick to the pit of my stomach. I can't help it, my glass is always half empty, that's just who I am. But I'm sure you can understand, seeing her like this is heartbreaking. Last night she was running around with her sisters causing mayhem and now she's flat out on the sofa wrapped up in a snuggie and looking really poorly.
Please pray for me that little Enya May is 'gonna be ok!
Please pray for me that little Enya May is 'gonna be ok!