Sunday 10 April 2011

Staff Attack!

Not the best of walks today, we went to the lake at Cwm Dulyn with Kiri and Kai. As we arrived a Husky and a rather large Staffie(!!!) came over the wall from the other side of the lake, the Staffie immediately attacked Kai. Kai slipped his collar and fought back, to be honest what else could he do? Thank God Gail, my friend, had hold of Kiri....could have all been so much worse if he'd got hold of the old lady. The owner and her friends were too busy swaning around in their bikinis to come and get the dogs, and I did get the brunt of her tongue. Though I must admit, that without being personal, (which she was) I gave as good as I got. Luckily Kai is a big lad with a huge coat, so he's Ok. Must admit I was a bit shaken and can't believe why she didn't realise it was her fault. Our dogs were with us and we had hold of both of them. Accidents happen, all I needed was an apology. I don't discriminate, I like Staffies, (even big ones) but people should be aware of what they have and the capability's of their dogs!