Friday 31 December 2010



From this photo it's hard to believe the fear I feel for our/your future at the moment. I'm not going to post the "other" photo at present as currently I can't bare to look at it.The thought of life without you now is something I simply can't comprehend. I can't help but worry and mull over the past. I feel I've seen this all before, but pray that I've got it all so wrong. After all a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, and that's all I have at present. I so need some answers, and quickly.
It's been 10 days now, and with every day I feel a tad more positive that you'll get through this, but I'm far too scared to let go and believe it's all going to fine. To let my guard down would only leave me more vulnerable and weak so I'm best keeping my emotions in check.
My little man, so brave, so strong, you still have not a care in the world. You love life and see no harm in anyone, or his dog. I will do anything to keep you safe and well, you truly are my Mr Amazing!

"Tell me, I think that cupid was in disguise
The day you walked in and changed my life
I think it's amazing,
the way that love can set you free.
So now I walk in the midday sun
I never thought that my savior would come
I think it's amazing