Wednesday 29 September 2010

One More Try

Regarding "That letter."
I guess we all have to do what we believe in our hearts is right. Whether others agree or not is besides the point. Especially if it helps us deal with the situation. So if witting the letter helped you, then in my opinion, so be it!
I've not said much on there about it before, but during the first week of George's sentence I was also finding it very hard to get on with my life. I couldn't function, couldn't sleep and cried so much it was crazy. Sometimes one feels a "Freeek" for having these uncontrolable feelings and emotions, sometimes on the surface it really is easier to hide them and keep quite. But sometimes that's just not possible! We also had major problems at home during that first week of the sentence, so that didn't help. And to be honest I felt I came really close to the edge. But I had to pull myself together, I have a job that I "have" to do, animals that need me and a husband that during the last few weeks has needed me more than ever. So life goes on, it has too.
I do agree with Pippy, no one can tells us how we should or shouldn't feel about George. Sometimes I don't understand why I feel the way I do myself, sometimes I wish I could change it, but we are who we are and we feel what we feel. And let's face it, my life could never be complete without him there to turn to in my hour of need!
I've written a lot here in the last few weeks, I blasted my brains out on George's music. I've also spent time thinking and crying as I walk my dogs in the mountain. Sometimes I felt so very alone and so very very sad. But It all helps, it gets things into prospective I guess.
So back to the beginning, as long as someones actions doesn't have a negative response for themselves or for George, then go for it. Do what you need to do to help you through... and To quote dear KT...."Just my opinion of course!"