So a crime has been committed ...but who is guilty of the gruesome murder?
The Evidence...The back legs of a wild baby bunny where left on the utility floor, no other parts of the little body where available for examination. (Eaten I take it) All the GSD's have alibis but some other members of the family are behaving rather suspiciously!

Billy - An innocent looking young man who tends to close his eyes in any sign of trouble. He once made himself very ill by catching and eating too many daddy-longlegs in one evening. Really his capability's of committing the crime are doubtful.

Tia - a typical temperamenta dark tortie. She is affectionate to gain a vantage possition, but false and aggressive with her own kind. She prefers the company of German Shepherds to cats. Murder for her is all too easy!

Oliver - The glamour boy. Rarely seen by others outside his family, he hides from strangers and doesn't wonder far from his home. Would he commit the crime? Yes, but did he? Really he is more likely to be handling stolen goods!

Emi - A mass murderer in her time...but the years have caught up with her and she is currently waiting for false teeth , but she still has sharp vicious claws and a glint in her eye.

Abi - A bully in her youth she was feared by all, but the old wheel has turned and now the bully is the bullied. Abi once bought home a live baby rabbit, Seffe stole it and fostered it....could this be Abi's revenge?
The jury is out....But what do you think...Who is guilty?