Thursday 17 October 2024

ACP and Falls

A quick chat with the vet about some "issues" on Tuesday and she agreed to give me some ACP for Zeus. Tonight we added them to his dinner and within about 30 mins he was "drunk." Though he continued to growl, he didn't have the energy to fight, we muzzled him, and we were able to cut out the knots by his tail and cut his nails. I really do feel a failure that I have to resort to these measures to handle this dogs, but keeping everyone, including him, safe is paramount. 
This morning the Meerah alarm went off at 7.30am. I'm happy with that, a clean bed is important. After letting her, Beti and the oldies out (Quick Captain Shitalot out you go) I went back into the bedroom to get dressed .. somehow I tripped and landed on my hands and knees on the bedroom floor. Steve's classic line of the day was, "What did you do?" Well I bloody fell, what do you think I did?  Anyway, I couldn't jump back up and I became aware of Zeus putting his head on my shoulder, he started to growl, but this time I honestly didn't feel threatened. I stroked him under his chin and just said, it's Ok, not your fault, good lad mate. Steve said that at the time his tail was wagging, giving a mixture of emotions, he was probably very unsure and tense. Anyway I got up and feeling a little worse for wear I carried on with my morning chores. After feeding everyone I go outside, every day every water bowl/buckets needs washing and refilling, every bit of poo needs picking up, (Numerous times a day) and the yard needs washing down with disinfectant to clear it of boy pee smells. Before any canine can go in the garden I have to look for cat poo or dead bodies ... simply it's life before breakfast! 
After breakfast, I went to the fields and the second one to fall today was Loki. "What did you do Loki?" 😁Well, Beti ran into him. Though she's about 12kg lighter than him, he no longer has the strength to stay standing as the whirlwind flew into him. No one's fault, just one of those things! Anyway a couple of limps, a quick cuddle and a rub and he was off as if nothing had happened, unlike me, as I'm still complaining about my knee, my back and my hands. Though of the day, "be more Loki!" (Well apart from the pooing in the bed!) Loki is going for his injection tomorrow, I do want to discuss his poor coat and skin quality with the vet it could well be a side effect of his medication but knowing would be good! 

Meerah Went Shopping

Watching the world go by on the wall outside B&Q. Thanks to the Police sirens, the seagulls and everything that moved and made a noise, and thanks to the staff who loved her! A great experience all round. 
No one except the cashier spoke to her at Pets At Home, ah well she loved her trolley ride and sent me to TK Maxx to get her some toys afterwards! LOL 
A Maccies for Steve and I on the way home so everyone was happy except Beti who wants the toys! 

I Like This

Wednesday 16 October 2024

Playing Favourites Again

I put the photos of the brothers on Facebook earlier, I loved both photos of my boys. Immediately a LSH fan has jumped in with their favouritism - I replied, but then reconsidered as I was lowering myself to the same level, so feck them, I've deleted the post! I wish people would think before they speak out - their off the cuff favouritism is hurtful and all they are going on is a photo, I'd love to see how they would cope with similar dogs or a similar situation. 

Individuals And Coat

Brothers - the long and the short of it. 
One melts my heart, the other messes up my head, but as they say it is what it is, and we do the best we can.
Having used a L/C as a sire for my last litter I've spent more time reading about the results of Intervariety breeding. (mating one coat variety to the other) 
 Personally I support inter-variety coat breeding, which is no longer accepted in Germany under SV rules where both coat varieties are exhibited separately. Sometimes the right dog, the right bloodlines is right regardless of coat. 
We know that ... "SC animals that carry the LSH gene have a thicker, denser, harsher coat than those that do not, and this is important to preserve the breed's desired coat. 'A very short, mousy, tight-coated GSD will rarely if ever, produce a long coat, even when mated to a long coat. These individuals are, therefore the opposite of the long coat as they possess no long coated allele (homozygous for SC)'' (Louis Donald) 
It's nice to read confirmation of what we know, that S/C dogs who carry the LSH gene have a better, more correct coat than those who don't. So really, even when preferring to have SC's in my female line I do see great benefits from intervariety matings. 
The baby of the house 

Misty Walks

An unnaturally warm day

First run on the new trailing lead
 I won the battle, but I'm not stupid enough to think I've won the war.


Now I know why the videos were not uploading. I'd changed my storage on the phone to useless space, I've had to chance it back. 

Tuesday 15 October 2024

Vet For Meerah

Meerah had her Vacs today, she was a star, she was 8.4kg on the vets scales, more accurate than our bathroom scales. We popped to the garden centre next door to the vets for a mooch and some socialising before coming home. I finally got something to put on little Mica's grave. I found it impossible to carry Meerah for more than about 10 mins, but at least she got to go in. 
We met Marley and his family at the vets, he looks great, but damn I didn't get a picture! 

Monday 14 October 2024

Meerah's Mountain

10 Weeks Today

Marley, Meerah and Seren. 
Both girls weighed 8kg yesterday and I checked back, Beti was 8.2kg and Siska was 7kg at 10 weeks. 
We are looking forward to seeing Marley tomorrow.