Thursday, 16 January 2025

It Could Have Gone Better

Last night's dog club didn't go to plan, the details are not important but having had to wait an hour in the van, Meerah was rushed in and was obviously unsettled. I have to confess in the circumstances I was stressed, so when she kicked off before we even got in through the door, I probably didn't handle it well. The barking continued in the hall, again maybe my stress going down the lead, but I did refuse to hand her over to someone else as I felt it was too much too soon. Meerah did eventually settle and moved happily around the room, though for love nor money I couldn't get her to stand still ... a minor detail considering everything! The long gap over Xmas really didn't help, but I'm hoping next time things will be calmer and more organised. 
The one comment I didn't need, obviously said with no malice, was, "Wow she's tall!"

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

From The Past Came The Future

Walking the fields today I was thinking about the future of Blanik. I've had several puppy enquiries, but there are no immediate plans for a litter. I know that Siska only reared 3 pups, but at the moment I don't envisage a second litter for her. Keeping numbers manageably sensible here is paramount, I never breed for the market, only when there is room at the inn! Of course, a lot depends on Beti and Meerah, Beti is a cracking female, and if her health tests are favourable she will probably be the dam of the "N" litter, but if they are not and Meerah's are, then the baton passes on to her. Of course, if neither have good health tests, then I'll have to back-track to Siska. In a years time, I should have a plan of action.
As I mentioned, I was considering my options whilst walking the fields, and I decided to get photos of the girls together for the blog .. Ross had other ideas, "me too," you have to laugh don't you! 
These girls both go back through the generations of Blanik to Nikki my foundation in 1993. The only difference of course is that Beti is Orin's daughter bringing in the "K" litter and missing the "J" litter and Meerah is Siska's daughter so bringing in the "J" and "L" litter and missing out the "K" litter. Sammi from the "I" litter was the dam of the "J" and "K" litter so obviously both lines go back through her to Nikki.
Nikki was a lovely girl, always with her kong in her mouth. Her father, International Champion Rosehurst Chris was a game changer for the breed. Ok maybe he would be considered a little extreme now, but without doubt he improved type in the breed. I hope you would agree by looking at these photos of Nikki, that I haven't moved that far from my roots in the breed, my goal was to improve without losing a moderate unexaggerated type of dog. 
Anyway I hope the future is in safe hands with Beti and Meerah, they are both lovely sweet girls. Chalk and cheese in many ways, but affectionate and confident. Beti is more of a live wire, whilst Meerah like her parents is pretty chilled. Onwards with hope of more success for Blanik ....

Sunday, 12 January 2025

Blanik Ivana

Stunning Sammi looking fab for her 11 years 
This photo was taken 11 years today. 

Kong V Chuckit

Father Xmas bought two new orange Kongs for Ross. One was to go in the van, the other in the house, but in just a matter of weeks they are both falling apart. They really do normally last longer than this. Ross doesn't like black or red kongs, he likes the softer aqua ones and because he swims then he needs the aqua kong. I do wonder if the quality is not as good as it was? I expect to buy him one or two a year, but this is silly. I know from previous experiences that messaging kong won't get me anywhere, it's a retrieving toy, not a chewing toy. 
I'm going to try and convince Ross to use the chuckit balls again, he and Kaiah loved the original ones, but when we got the larger size for safety they were not amused! (Photo of Kaiah and Ross above.)
You want me to bring this???
Better than nothing, I guess!

Cat Treets

Steve says it was a set-up, really? I'd say Zeus was caught in the act myself! (Oh yeah, and he had two tubs of it, Jamie is not amused)

Saturday, 11 January 2025

Blanik Meerah

Looking fab there baby girl, so glamorous. Some lovely comments on Facebook from people who matter! 
With her canines now pushing through, the slight misalignment in her mouth has corrected itself, so glad I was right about that. The tip of the p1 that was slow coming through is just there now, so that will be sorted in time for a show ... and as for the other side ... well I'm not sticking my head in the sand, I haven't looked since ... but I'm pretty sure I was right with what I saw!!! 

Friday, 10 January 2025

Wonderful Winter

In winter, I obsessively watch the weather forecasts and keep extras of basics in. Today amazon have failed to deliver and the coal man still hasn't made it up the hill. We have very little snow now, it's just the ice. We are not desperately short of anything, but I hate only having one bag of dog food in the shed. (Though the barrels are half full in the house.) Steve is getting ratty as he hates the snow and ice, but I love it as long as it doesn't clash with a dog show!

Thursday, 9 January 2025

Carpal Tunnel

Siska and Meerah in the field today, a fresh covering of snow and thick ice made life fun for them but a little difficult for us. We got out to get to the doctors but the roads, even at that time, were pretty dodgy. Doctor google was right and I have carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands. I now need to sleep with them both in braces for 6 weeks, I can't imagine that will be fun! I have to go in for blood tests to check my thyroid levels, again and to check for rheumatoid arthritis. Coming home was fun, we'd made a conscious decision to go in the van as it's better in wintery conditions than the car ... but there was some skidding and sliding on the last hills home!

Happy Birthday L Litter

Happy Birthday to Kaiah's kids
There has been some tears today!

Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Making The Most Of The Snow

Well what little we have left!
Smile Zeus - Haha you look silly!
Orin and Siska
Posing for treats!
Sammi, Loki, Meerah, Ross
Oh Ross!!!
Ross, Beti, Meerah