Tuesday 15 October 2024

Vet For Meerah

Meerah had her Vacs today, she was a star, she was 8.4kg on the vets scales, more accurate than our bathroom scales. We popped to the garden centre next door to the vets for a mooch and some socialising before coming home. I finally got something to put on little Mica's grave. I found it impossible to carry Meerah for more than about 10 mins, but at least she got to go in. 
We met Marley and his family at the vets, he looks great, but damn I didn't get a picture! 

Monday 14 October 2024

Meerah's Mountain

10 Weeks Today

Marley, Meerah and Seren. 
Both girls weighed 8kg yesterday and I checked back, Beti was 8.2kg and Siska was 7kg at 10 weeks. 
We are looking forward to seeing Marley tomorrow. 

Warmer Than Summer

Loki, Beti, Sammi, Ross
Another gold star for Beti. 🌟She took off towards a walker on a different path. I have to confess I hadn't seen him/her, but Beti did an instant and fantastic recall, no doubt before the walker even noticed she was on the way. I have no doubts Beti would have only gone over to greet them but her exuberance could well be daunting to anyone not familiar with her ways. Luckily for me Beti is bright and very willing to please. 
Orin and Siska
Masculine and feminine epitomised 
Baby Meerah loving her 10 mins on the mountain

Clean Night And Food

The Meerah alarm went off at 7.30am. Woohooo a clean cage this morning, so no need of a pee overnight. I'll keep up the barley water for a few more days. Bless her she's not keen but adding a tiny drop of milk is making it more palatable for her. 
She really is no Beti, lol. She left me outside to do the yard cleaning on my own this morning. Beti loved the brushes, buckets and hosepipe so much she wouldn't even have her breakfast till everything was done and put away. Meerah had breakfast first, came out but then went in to wait for toast, I know where I stand!😏 (Yes I do all the feeding and the outside work before I have anything) Actually she is eating really well and I'm sure I've increased her food twice since her siblings have left. I must admit I'm not weighing it, just going on her weight, I doubt I could go on appetite as she's very foody! 

Sunday 13 October 2024

Meerah's Day

Socialising with Jo and Paul 
A bit of training with Ian, before a game of football. Again a lovely video, but it won't load to blogger, 
but it is on Facebook. 

Beti Coat

Thought I'd get a photo of Beti stretched out today, then I'll get another in a couple of weeks to compare coat growth. There's a regional on the 3rd of next month. I'll enter and see how she's looking by then. 

Zeus And Meerah

 There is no denying my relationship with this dog is fraught with insecurity. He's one of the brightest of chaps, but he has no eagerness to please anyone but himself. He questions every request/command and does things his own way unless there is something in it for him. Zeus truly is an experience, and not always a good one! But to give the devil his due, he can also be affectionate and very very funny, and despite it all, I love him. Also, on a good note, well watch the videos on Facebook .... sadly they won't load on here.


In tears, but a memory I had to share from her first birthday. Today would have been her 8th birthday. πŸ’” 
So who is Blanik Jeevana - Kaiah was the sweetest easiest bitch puppy ever, she has no hang ups about life and takes every day and every situation as it comes. There is no doubt Kaiah loves life, she bounces her way happily through every day, usually with a chuckit ball in her mouth. (Space hoppers are now banned) She is sweet, affectionate and cuddly but can be as determined and head strong as her great great granny Tali, (but thankfully with a greater need to be with me than Tali has.) On walks she has one of the best recalls I could ask for, and she never strays far from the pack. If Kaiah is not hiding ready to pounce on someone on a walk, her favourite game, then she's found something to climb .. the higher the better. Kaiah loves her dog show days and can't contain her excitement in the mornings, screaming like a banshee and bouncing like a kangaroo till she gets in the van. (I blame her mother who's equally as excited about shows) At the show she always gives of her all and has never let me down in or out of the ring. (though recently I considered maybe I have let her down) Kaiah loves her food, and from weaning it was obvious she was the greedy one of her litter, but I'll never forgive the nightmares she gave me when she swallowed a whole carrot to stop Kyle for getting a piece! Ok I confess, at times she is probably the noisiest "Blanik" ever ... though Kai, Jay and Storm would have given her a run for her money, and we have had some terrible teenager moments recently. I so look forward to watching my lovely puppy blossom into the beautiful adult she will surely be ...

Saturday 12 October 2024

Girls Problems

My beautiful Beti is still bald, but now her coat is soft and fresh and she'll soon be looking fantastic again. I started her on salmon oil when she started to moult, I'll keep her on it till she's back in coat. I can't wait to see her in full bloom in her first adult coat. Loki is still paying her some unwanted attentions, there is no obvious sign of a season yet, but she's about 3 weeks short of her due day, so I guess he knows it's imminent. Siska came in season about 10 days after Beti, early for her, following her litter I've no idea what she'll do now but her coat is coming out by the bucket full.
I'd been washing Meerah's vulva every couple of hours or so yesterday and found the discharge to be quite profuse. She also kept peeing very often, very small quantities, but then remained squatting as if she expected more. She has not seemed ill at all, but obviously uncomfortable at times. The other dogs were also sniffing around her a lot. This morning I was gobsmacked to find her vulva and knickers (the coat around her back-end) clear of the sticky discharge that she'd had yesterday, but was disappointed to see very yellow urine staining on the puppy pads, I could only think it was a UTI. As Meerah is not ill I decided to try a natural remedy first. I remember so well taking a puppy Tali to the vets with a UTI ... The vet said at the time that she was far too young to mess about with antibiotics and for me to get some pearly barley and boil it up, giving her the liquid to drink. I did have some in the house, but it had been here a long time, so I went to get some fresh this morning. I'll give it a go over the weekend and see how it goes.