Monday 3 July 2017

More Wet Walks

Today was a case of hood on hood off. How quickly the mist and rain came and went, it was quite spooky really. One minute you could see everything, and then nothing, and it just kept happening over and over again. I don't mind the mist at all, the only problem is that I can't see the sheep and they were everywhere today. Not one flock but pockets of them everywhere, though these are very good it does make for uncomfortable walking!
Tali was great today, no stumbles, no falls. All I can do is watch her, I refuse to spoil her fun and put her on the lead unless I really have to in a certain place. She would be so miserable and a happy Tali is paramount to a happy pack. A grumpy Tali and everyone gets to know about it!  
To protect my camera in the nasty drizzling rain I didn't bother with photos on the first 2 walks, but by the third it had stopped raining and the mist was clearing. Couldn't help myself .. just the one photo of the Young Guns then! 
Asha is really happy with her "Birthday Ball," and carried it about with her all morning. Actually a good quality toy, far better than the huge Space hopper that cost quite a bit more. Anyway now everyone wants it!